Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Post 22.0

The biggest thing I've learned since I've been in Mexico.. That's a loaded question, I know that me being able to live with Alfonzo Martinez has been the best thing for me in Mexico. I have learned so much from Alfonzo how to be a man of prayer, led by the Spirit, husband, father, and student of the word. Alfonzo has modeled these righteous characteristics and I desire greatly to grow in those areas. He has also showed me how to be a humble servant and selfless leader. On this trip I have learned how to be effective in the Mexican culture, I've learned many new words in Spanish and how to have a conversation that goes beyond the normal introduction questions. On this trip I have had to cope with being the only guy on the team, how to communicate with 3 very different women. I have learned much about the different personalities of different girls, sure it's been challenging but I know that as a result I will grow and become a stronger man of God. I have learned how important and vital it is to spend daily time with the Lord in prayer, even back in the states. I am so thankful to be able to spend 3 months in Mexico, I would definitely do it again, in a heart beat. I am so thankful for the people I spent these past 3 months with, Alfonzo & Erika Martinez, Victoria Philips, Megean Fernantez, and Macey Fernandez. Thank You all for praying for me and remembering our team during this season of my life. GBC isn't over yet I still have 1 more month, so I hope to connect with each of you to tell you the stories of God's greatness.. God Bless You!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Post 21.0

Hey everybody, hope you are all doing well and your family is healthy. We are over 2/3 of the way done with this trip and I wanted to give you just a brief update of what the Lord is doing here. Despite having a smaller group of students learning guitar I have been having 4 kids show up consistently, their eagerness is inspiring and their devotion to practice shows up from week to week on my 11:00 Wednesday appointment. Leading worship has been going really well at the Women's Rehab Center, we introduced a new song called Nuestro Dios (Our God by Chris Tomlin), I love seeing the women worship and sing out their praise to the Lord even when it's not on key or they don't clap on rhythm, I think that their worship is really beautiful. At Rincon the kids are still full of energy but they are becoming more receptive to the Bible stories we tell them. I love Rincon days (Fridays) because I get to play soccer with them to wear them out so they sit still during the Bible story. About once or twice a month we drive or ride a bus up to Mazatlan to spend some time with the youth from Espiritu y Verdad and attend the 11:00 Sunday service. I really enjoy the fellowship with the youth most of our conversations center around worship music or bands because that's what I love and know. I personally have really enjoyed living with Alfonzo and Erika Martinez, the missionaries here in Escuinapa, they are my parents for these past 3 months, I know I will miss them greatly. Alfonzo has poured a lot into me and I know much of what he's taught me I will take into my future as a student, husband, and father. So yeah, that's just a snapshot of what's been happening in my life personally and what God has been doing in the hearts of the youth and kids in Mexico! Thanks again for your continued prayer support, I hope that when I return, to be able to connect with each of you face to face. I can't wait to share the testimonies of God's faithfulness. God bless you!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Post 20.0

Wow! I can't believe that this 3 month trip is half over already! Much has happened while we have been here and I am even more expectant for what will happen in the second half of the trip. The biggest single coadherant principle that I have learned, I read fromthe Jim Elliott Biography: Shadow of the Almighty. A quote that stuck out to me in the preface was, "Obedience is an expression of love to God." and I did a word study through Blue Letter Bible of the word obedience and I learned that the word obedience means to listen or hear. While I am here in Mexico it is vital that I am listening to the voice of the Lord unto a response. Obedience is hearing what the Lord desires then acting on it, nothing pleases God more than when His children obey him. The Lord also revealed to me that obedience is not picking and choosing what I want to obey or not, obedience is following whatever God asks of me whether it is convenient or not. I got the clinical symptoms of Typhoid Fever for 7 days and during that time I was really sick, I had a lot of time to think about my life and where I have gone and ahead to where I'm going. The Lord has been speaking to me and when I get back to the States I will be attending college at MTSU and studying a pre-med major. Thank You all so much for your continued prayer support during this season of my life. I hope to connect with everyone who is reading this blog (if anyone is reading this blog) on a personal level and show you pictures and tell you all the stories of what the Lord has been doing here in Mexico. Thank you again for all your prayer support and continued prayer support, God bless you and I hope to see you soon!

Monday, March 5, 2012

30 Day Recap (Mexico 2012)

The past 30 days have been very full and busy. So far our team has gone to the Tepehuanes twice, participated in a 3-day youth retreat with the youth group from Mazatlan, I have given music lessons at a high school, I have the opportunity to lead worship every Sunday at the Women's Drug Rehab Center in Escuinapa, we are also involved in a village called Rincon which is a poverty stricken village just outside Escuinapa, we are really involved with the kids there in Rincon, every Thursday we do a service project for the ecology department of Escuinapa, we usually pick up trash along the highways or clean out riverbeds. So as you can see we have been very busy serving here in Escuinapa as well as in Mazatlan. The Lord has been moving greatly among the people here in Mexico, the main difference from American and Mexican believers and nonbelievers alike is their faith. Here in Mexico when you pray for someone's healing, they actually get healed. Since I've been here in Mexico 4 people have received the Lord, most if not an entire youth group was filled with the Holy Spirit and released in their spiritual language, demons were cast out of a possessed man, and a woman's hand was healed from being swollen. I am so thankful to have this opportunity to take part in what God is doing here in Mexico. One of my favorite experiences here in Mexico has been going to the city plaza on Sunday nights. At the plazuela, as it is called here, I meet new people, practice my Spanish, and play my guitar while hanging out with the team and nationals. I can't believe that my trip is already 1/3 over, it's like just started, its like finishing the Fellowship of the Ring and realizing that there's only two more! God is good, I'm learning so much about the culture and God is teaching me new ways to live in this different culture that I can bring back with me to the United States. I am so blessed to be living with Alfonzo, Erika, and Alfonsito Martinez, they have been such an encouragement to me and my spiritual parents since I've been here. Thanks for praying for me! God Bless You.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Post 19.0

Prayer. We all must pray. In the mission field if you don't pray it's like going into battle with no armor. What soldier goes into battle with no armor on? Spiritually we must be equipped and ready to war in the spirit everyday. If you think spiritual warfare is just a walk in the park and is easy, try living in a foreign country for 3 months. Since I've been in Escuinapa for 21 days I have sensed and felt a spiritual heaviness over this city, and everyday that I would shorten my time with the Lord or not pray my entire day would be thrown off. If you don't go out prayed up and continuing to war in the spirit the devil/enemy will pick you off. When I'm walking through the streets of Escuinapa Mexico I pray in my spiritual language under my breath. I am never silently doing anything, I always fill my mind with scripture and I pray in the spirit whenever I am. When I think about people, whether here in Mexico, back home in the U.S., or even abroad in other countries I pray for them. I believe that when a person comes to mind the Holy Spirit drops that name for me to specifically pray for them. Part of the morning prayer needs to be being filled with the Holy Spirit. A fresh daily filling of the Holy Spirit is needed so that when you listen and obey the Spirit will guide you to the specific assignments each day. Prayer is vital. Count your blessings when you pray, be thankful- live a lifestyle of thanksgiving, don't let all your prayers be one way asking God for everything. Lastly when you read the word of God don't just read it, study it and apply it to your life. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Post 18.0

Wow! A lot has happened between now and the last time I've posted. The Lord has been showing me the importance of praying in every circumstance and to utilize my spiritual language. While in Escuinapa there are more strongholds of homosexuality, alcoholism, and idolatry with the Catholic church; I am finding that prayer is a necessary supplement along with Vitamins C, D, and eating meats. At a youth camp recently that our team attended I had the opportunity to pray for a boy to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, even though we prayed and waited for a long while he did not receive his spiritual language, but through the whole experience I learned to pray in the power and authority that Christ has given us. God is also showing me through the Beth Moore study of The Life and Ministry of Paul about forgiveness through Stephens testimony and death of Jesus as a sacrifice for all of our sin. I desire to have unconditional forgiveness just like Stephen and Jesus, no matter how big or small, to be able to release hurt and anger to the Lord no matter the person or how they affected me spiritually . God is good and I am so blessed to be living with Alfonzo and Erika Martinez, it is really meat getting an inside perspective of what day-to-day life is like for a missionary in Mexico. I am really enjoying the culture, food, the people, and the opportunity to take part in what God is already doing in Mexico. Thank You so much for your prayers, I hope that as you pray for me that you would remember to pray for the 3 other girls that are with me here in Mexico. So much has happened I hope that when I get back to the states I can catch up with you all personally and show you the many pictures I have been taking and the stories of what the Lord has done!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Post 17.0

Hi everyone I hope you are staying warm back in the states, you don't have to worry about me because the average temperature here is 70 degrees Fahrenheit. God is good and He is at work here in Mexico. Let me give you a snapshot of how he is moving. One morning this week I had to go escort the girls from their apartment to breakfast, I didn't know where to go and so I started praying in the Spirit. The Lord stopped me and I turned around from where I was and the Lord directed me to their apartment. I am so blessed to have the opportunity to protect the girls through the streets of Escuinapa. Much of the time I am praying in the Spirit as we walk. God has done so much while I have been in Mexico for only 1 week. Today at church 3 women gave their lives to the Lord. The church is held in a Women's Drug Rehab center and one of the ladies who gave her life to the Lord was in my small group. Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to an unreached indian tribe called the Tepehuanes and do some kids ministry. Most of the time we play a type of freeze tag and all the kids end up running after me. I am so happy to be with these kids, the Tepehuanes are known for their agriculture and their laughter. The top thing I am learning here in Mexico is thanksgiving. Being thankful is a lifestyle, when I start and end my day with speaking my praise I know God gets all the glory.